
Ideas for selling your farm and ranch products.

Where can I get raw milk or get help to sell mine?

There is definitely a faction of the population trying to get raw milk for their pets and family. There are also many folks trying to provide this to their community and both are struggling to make the connections.

Here are two links that can help you get to the source or get listed as a source.

I would also have you check with your local and state laws to make sure that you are in compliance with them. Each state is different, with more and more changes coming down the pike. Be prepared if you are providing it for folks to just show up, for many phone calls and emails..the movement is in full swing.

Dexters provide a rich and creamy milk preferred by many! Happy milking!

Where can I get raw milk or get help to sell mine? Read More »

Milking & Dairy Selling

We can help you sell your Dexters and farm products

Are you struggling to sell your Irish Dexters? Their Beef?  Farm made products?  

I think one of the hardest things for the Dexter owner is to sell their products. I have a background in marketing, sales and science, which seems to have helped us find our niche.  The Irish Dexter dairy and beef are a niche products and should be marketed with that in mind.  We happen to be grass fed, grass finished another niche market.  I think if you take a step back and look at your market, you will be able to carve out a niche for your Dexter products.  I use the chef Ramsey card all the time….do you know that he prefers Dexter beef and uses them in his restaurants.

Did you know that Crest Point Farms, also a member of the IDC online stores is a supplier to the restaurant market.  Take a look at his marketing on our website and you will see his marketing of both his Irish Dexter beef and Kune Kune pork.  Using the systems put in place for you at the Irish Dexter Cattlemen ( IDC) website you should be able to create this niche for you and your products in your area.

Take a look the products available from Stumpys Acres and Ashron Acres?  They are selling Dexter beef and handmade farm items.   
Also take a look at Maple Creek Dexters, they have no ads currently running, but a lovely write about their farm. Lucky them, they have nothing at the moment that they are trying to sell. This happens with repeat customers and word of mouth selling from happy customers.

But if an online store is not right for you at this time in your marketing…then look to the IDC Marketplace.  To receive a free ad for the marketplace all you need to do is register first  and then fill out the information as  it  prompts you thru the process.  The end result is a beautiful professional looking ad.  You can then copy and paste that link anywhere like FB, IG or an email.  I have found that by using the ad link I look more professional and now have a wait list for my Nubians, Dexters and my soap business has certainly taken off in a big way, as I am now shipping more and more!  It’s no longer just a local sale.  One important feature for me is…it lets me know when my inventory is low by item.  This is helping me produce what I need for my growing business.

The IDC website is so much more than just a marketplace and free monthly newsletter.  With an entry level membership you have access to practically everything in the cattle industry, specific Dexter articles, and access to all three registries….I no longer need to remember other website addresses.  The IDC website is a one stop shop for everything I need, and provides access to anything Dexter.

We can help you sell your Dexters and farm products Read More »


Do you want to subscribe, but you don’T know at what level?

Hope this simple spreadsheet shows you the different levels that you can participate.
An example of an entry level participation is … access to our gazette and all the past articles in the Tips and Tricks Newsletter, many magazines , the ADCA, PDCA and Legacy publications in clipboard formats with an easy to use search feature…you will need to spend $20. This feature has allowed me to help so many when they have a specific question about a topic we have already covered.

You will need decide your level of participation, register and then enjoy your subscription benefits.

We are always looking for people to help. If you want to join an exciting and dynamic team…reach out!

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General Selling

Growing my business with GrownBY

Growing my business with GrownBY Read More »


Selling Dexters by Sue Pollington

There is this thing that happens when you have Dexter cattle and really any kind of cows. It’s called cow math. The cows just keep multiplying and it’s all your fault.

In my Dexter journey this happens 2 ways. I got my fist Dexter cow, she had her yearling steer by her side and was pregnant. I thought cool, 3 for the price of one. Who doesn’t love a sale?

The new calf was born, another steer (not at birth but after a bit (was removed)). I know I’d have 3, but I didn’t know how much I would love being a milkmaid. I loved milking, processing the milk, and making all the fabulous dairy products. When the calf was weaned, my avocation as a milkmaid did too. No more dairy goodies and now I knew what real dairy was and I couldn’t bear to buy the junk stores have and call dairy.

I bought a second Dexter Milk Cow, with a steer by her side so I could milk year round with Spring and Fall calves. Now there were 5 cows. One steer went to freezer came and I was down to 4. Good for me. But then the new heifer calf was born and we were back up to 5.

Here I became foolish and bought a 3rd Dexter milkcow for emotional reasons. ( I did not need a 3rd Dexter Milk cow) She did not come with a calf at her side hooray. So, we were up to 6, I sold the heifer calf and we were down to 5. The new cow had a heifer calf and we were back up to 6.

It’s all my fault. I bred the cows, bought the cows. I will sell the new heifer calf and be back down to 5 but I have 2 calves due this Spring, but I will send another steer to freezer camp next month so I will stay at 6 until the 2025 Fall calf will make it 7 unless I sell 1 or both Spring calves.

Cow Math is real. So you will have to consider how you want to manage your herd size.

Sue Pollington

Selling Dexters by Sue Pollington Read More »

Farm Management Selling

Buying an Irish Dexter. Part 2

By Sue Pollington

So, now you are ready to buy your first Irish Dexter. You have your land, fencing, a water source, a farm vet who makes farm calls (or a trailer to take them to the vet), a shelter, hay or a hay source, a mineral source and the money to buy.

Now you need to find your cow or cattle as the case may be and the confusion starts. What’s the difference between an Irish Dexter and an American Dexter? Are the white ones really Dexters? Do I want registered or unregistered? What registry is better?

Remembering I am not an expert, and I can be wrong. This is what I learned in my own Dexter journey. There is an American Dexter Cattle Association (which is the largest), a Purebred Dexter Cattle Association and many more that I won’t get into.  A registered Dexter is more expensive. This is because the market will pay a higher price to know the genetic testing, DNA and pedigree. But even with registration it doesn’t mean they are all perfect cows, if there is such a thing. I personally don’t care about registration yet I have chosen to buy registered Dexters because there is less chance of deception ie I know what I am getting.

I have a cousin, we will call him Dale who has cattle in MI and he claims if someone comes to him he sells them an Aberdeen and tells people they are the same as a Dexter (they are not) and Dale’s cows aren’t registered and most are mixed in breed. I don’t buy from Dale as I want to know what my cows are, Dexters. There are more people than just my cousin Dale pulling shady things in cattle sales just like with any animal sales. Buyer beware.

Find a reputable breeder, with references. Go see their place and their cows in person. It’s worth the cost. Or if you have a trusted friend who can do this for you, for breeders out of your area, ask them. I found a breeder about 2.5 hours from me and went to visit. .The breeder was open to visitors and she had a great place and super good looking cows that were friendly and approachable. She also wasn’t trying to sell me a cow but made it more educational as my first visit was for that and to see if I would even like Dexters. By the end of the visit I was in love and wanted to buy a cow. This breeder wasn’t sure if she had anyone for sale right now but said she would think about it and the kind of cow I needed as my first cow. I was looking for the unicorn of cows, trained to milk, bred, with a calf at her side. The breeder did offer me an ADCA Dexter at a registered Dexter price. I did not get the perfect cow but I did get the perfect cow for me as a 1st time cow owner, she was patient, easy going, was pregnant with a yearling steer included. She also didn’t have the perfect udder, it was good but she had large teets with small orifices. So she hand milks slowly. She was a great first cow and taught me a lot of good things. I was lucky to end up with her. I still have her.

Take your time, know what you want and be willing to either wait or compromise where you can. Make sure you feel good about the purchase as this is an investment. Cows are not cheap and if they are I want to know why.. Listen to the good stories and the horror stories and learn all you can. Get a cow mentor to guide you who is not trying to sell you something. Let me know if I can help. I am happy too. Good Luck. Getting the Dexters I have,, was a great choice and they make my life so fun. I wish the same for you.

Sue Pollington

Buying an Irish Dexter. Part 2 Read More »


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