
Preserving irish dexter dairy & beef

By Eliena Bodtke, Stay’N Put Farm

Since many of us are homesteaders or practice some kind of preserving, I thought I would take a moment to discuss an alternative to canning, pressure canning and dehydrating. 

 Are you scratching your head, thinking where is she going with this?

Consider freeze drying.  While the initial cost seems daunting, it really is an excellent way to preserve your Dexter milk, yogurts, cheeses, colostrum and beef for 25 YEARS!  Think about when you’re over loaded with one veggie or another during gardening season.  The veggies, herbs or eggs when they are abundant, can be frozen and put into the freeze dryer anytime.  We still can and pressure can, but this gives us a  whole new option.  

We purchased a medium Harvest Right about a year and half ago and have been amazed at all the things we can preserve….it is less time consuming and in our opinion, and better quality product in many cases.

Canning of dairy is frowned upon by the USDA and in some cases consider unsafe, although people do it.  Freeze drying on the other hand, processes the dairy at lower temperatures and therefore does not pasteurize it…so if raw is your goal, it is good alternative.  If you pasteurize, you still follow the same method.  We pour a quart of milk on each tray and let the machine do its thing.  We have done it both with cream in and cream out…the choice is yours.  We find it needs to be blended when reconstituted, or another favorite is dry in our coffee, just like coffee creamer!

If you’re into selling, freeze dried milk and other products can be a good source income.  Take a look at the price of powdered milk in the store!  It is not uncommon to see freeze dried milk for $30-40 a gallon.  Let’s clarify this.  One gallon of freezer dried milk reconstituted into one gallon of drinkable milk…almost quadruples in price.

And don’t forget your Dexter beef!  Consider this scenario….you have some cuts left from your last processing and you would really like to eat it before you get into the next one.  Well, freeze dry it and then you have preserved it for 25 years.  It makes great gifts, as it is so light to ship.

How do you use this freeze dried beef?  We like to pour some of our Dexter  bone broth over it.  Let it sit in refrigerator over night and then use it in the next day or so.  The beef will only absorb as much broth as it can.  It doesn’t get mushy, which can happen with veggies.  Cook with it like you usually do.

Hope this article helps you on your farm, ranch or homestead.  I just love this technology and thought I would share.

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